Houston Chronicle Cruise Section

Just thought I would take a second to give a shout out to the Houston Chronicle and their Cruise section.  They do a pretty good job reviewing cruises and distributing information that is helpful for anyone considering a cruise. The have some fairly recent reviews of the Galveston cruise ships which I found interesting.

What I like about the Chronicle is that they are fairly objective with their information and accurate with their facts.  So many other “travel blogs” are nothing more than pitching someones products.  I appreciate the objectivity.

Click here for the link to the cruise section.

My goal for the next six months

Part of what attracted me to the travel business was the ability to create authentic content of interesting places I have visited.  I’m not talking about cut and pastes of other peoples content, I’m talking about pictures I have taken, videos I have shot, and things I’ve experienced.  All penned (or typed as the case may be by yours truly!)

I’ve identified three cruises and three resorts and established a goal to visit all of these in the next six months.  Once I get the details firmed up, I’ll post them.

Also, to all of the folks I saw out Friday night that mentioned an awareness of what I am doing, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!  Also, thank you to the couple of new friends I made that listened to my vision! There isn’t better validation for me than someone mentioning that they are aware of what I’m doing.

Pack and Go Deals

Each Wednesday I will be sending out “Pack and Go” and “Book Today” specials.  Some of these trips are up to 75% off the publicly published price. 

I, therefore can not publish them on my blog or web site. 

If you would like to start receiving them via email click here to subscribe to my feedburner feed.

I respect your privacy so will not sell, share, or otherwise allow anyone access to your email address.